Saturday, March 15, 2008


CALLING ALL CRAFTERS: Comfort & Joy is looking for a few good crafters...make that GREAT crafters. (why am I suddenly thinking about Frosted Flakes?)
We'd like to find some local (as in PA) artisans that would like their work represented (as in sold)
in the shop. The details are that the work has to be handmade, needs to fit in with the design aesthetic of the shop, and fit into the product categories that we currently carry. We will accept any submissions via email or feel free to call and we'll take a look. We have to be sure that the work is right for our shop!! Work that is accepted will be handled on a consignment basis, at least in the beginning. We hope to develop this into a big part of our store. Holiday goods, baby, textiles, furniture, jewelry, whatever....

Here's the contact info:
610.867.9916 we're closed mondays. please call to set up a visit...cold calls make us grumpy!
okay so maybe it's not just cold calls but you know what I mean!!

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